What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a licenced health profession that provides therapeutic services aimed at restoring mobility. Physiotherapists are graduates of a recognized university and have a detailed understanding of: how the body works, knowledge of disease, injury, and the healing process.
Do I need a doctor referral?
No, you do not need a doctor's referral to receive physiotherapy. However, some insurance plans require a referral for coverage. Please check with your benefits provider if they require you to obtain one prior to your appointment.
If you have received a doctor's referral for physiotherapy, please bring it with you. It may provide information with any diagnostic reports related to your condition or injury (X-ray, MRI, CT scan, etc)
What should I bring?
Please bring comfortable clothing. T-shirt and shorts are recommended.
What should I expect during my first physiotherapy appointment?
Your physiotherapist will review your health history and discuss your injury. We will then explain the process of the physical assessment and obtain your informed consent to assess and treat you. All techniques will be discussed first and only the treatments you are most comfortable with will be administered.
I am covered by Bluecross at 100%, why do I still have to pay?
At Cordova Physiotherapy, our subsequent physiotherapy fees are higher than the fees established by MB Bluecross. MB Bluecross will cover a maximum for the initial visit $90 and subsequent visit at $82
If you are 100% covered, your initial visit there will be fully covered, for your subsequent visit there will be an amount owing of $3.00
If you are 90% covered, your initial visit there will be $9 owing, and your subsequent visit there will be $11.20 owing.
If you are 80% covered, your initial visit there will be $18 owing and your subsequent visit there will be $19.40 owing.
Please look at your MB Bluecross statement for clarification, MB Bluecross will mail you your statement after services are rendered.
Other Questions?
If you have any other questions call Cordova Physiotherapy at (204) 414-9383 and we will be happy to help you!